Along with the capabilities of smartphones and gadgets is increasing, then the line moved at was the need of capacity / memory capacity can also be improved. Not only increased in quantity, but the quality is equally important.
Micro-SD to be one important part of a functioning smartphone store various multimedia files with a large capacity.
Not only micro-SD card with capacity of capability which are sought. However, the file transfer speed is also one of the considerations before buying a micro-SD. So that the data transfer from the handset faster, as well as speed when opening the file, potential customers need to pay attention to miro-grade elementary school.
Compared to normal micro-SD, external memory using the bawahpun class has twice the speed than nonkelas. Micro-SD has a speed-based class called micro-SD or micro SDHC high capacity. External memory size 15x11x1.0 mm.
Currently on the market there are various types of classes with individual speed. Each card will show the class number circled. Rating classes start at 0, 2, 4, 6 and 10. For example, class 0 indicates that the file transfer performance is not specific. Usually it's the most requested for non-smartphone phones. Because, just to save a doc file format or mp3.
For smartphones that require faster data transfer, usually starting from grade 2 with a speed of 2 Mbps. Even so, it is a class 2 SDHC card slowest type.
Furthermore, there is a class 4 which has a speed of 4 Mbps, class 6 speed 6 Mbps, and grade 10 that supports 10 Mbps for data transfer.
Starting Grade 6, the speed can be increased by 50% compared to type underneath. For Android smartphones such as the needs of high, grade 4 and 6 have been very good. Therefore, the class of 10 is the most widely used on the camera. Meanwhile, micro-SDHC card on the market available from a capacity of 4 gigabytes to 32 gigabytes.
Ensure that the capacity of our memory cards according to their ability and the maximum capacity of our gadgets do not be enforced, and choose the appropriate type of memory card with the gadgets that we use to look at your books or reference of information media (newspapers, magazines, tabloids, etc.). This is to avoid the possibility of buying the wrong type.
The key to stability is not absolutely true smartphone on the size of the memory card in use, but on how much free memory you use. Try (whenever possible) leaving 10% free memory card dr's total memory capacity, ie 4 GB card, leaving 400 MB. 10% was used for the cache and the operating of read and write memory cards, never breaking the remaining 10% of this, because once you leave free memory is less than 10%, then after that, the performance of the memory card it will come down considerably, although free memory has been returned> 10%.
Also not too many files on the memory of the smartphone because it will cause the performance of the gadget will decline. And do not forget, the price of the smartphone memory you use will affect anyway. Choose a memory card that is known to have excellent performance and durability, not to choose memory card because lured by cheap prices.
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