Despite the memory card has many advantages, it does not mean existence without flaws. Micro sd extremely helpful and useful especially for android users to retention of data such as photos, music, data, and lainnya.Hal is very frustrating when memory problems. In this article I share tips droid you how to improve your memory card damaged / corrupt.
Memory cards belonging to perishable goods, the damage here is that the damage is system files (not physically). The extent of damage the memory card is enough berfariasi.Ada sometimes unreadable by android device, in contrast to the stated capacity, so that can not be used at all, typically when the memory is not detected or detected but could not be opened. Due to many causes including:
-Excessive heat in the device.
-The influence of the magnetic field.
-Error when unplugging / insert the memory into the slot.
-There is a virus or a corrupt file.
-Memory cards are portable to other devices, such as mobile phone memory card, we attach it to the digital camera repeatedly.
-Faults in the system or failing partition.
-And many other things.
How to repair a damaged memory card
There are several ways to fix it, let's share the way one by one.
How I
Using a card reader connected to a PC
How, through the Format menu of Windows Explorer.
1. Remove memory card from android device, insert it into a memory card reader.
Do not carelessly pulling memory from android devices, use the menu "Unmount SD Card" to remove the memory when android device is active. or you can also turn off the phone first and then remove the memory fresh.
2. Find the memory card drive (see Eksploler Windows menu), for example on the drive (D, E, F, G, H or other). If the memory is read, click the right mouse button, and select the 'Format'.
3. Next comes the choice of format (FAT, FAT32 and NTSC), make sure you choose the FAT file system format.
4. Click the "Format Now" and wait for it to finish.
If the message "error" then the PC can not format yet, use another way the format via Command Line menu. Format via Command Line
1. On the PC, click Start-Run, and type CMD. Command window will appear in the DOS prompt mode.
2. Next type
(K = drive location of the memory card, if a memory card is located in drive g, then write g)
3. Wait for it to finish.
Method II
As an alternative to repairing damaged memory cards
A. The first way to save the data in the memory card is defective, is to:
1. Remove the memory card in your device and enter in cardreader already plugged in the computer
2. Select the memory card drive in removable disk and right click select properties
3. Click on TOOL then click again check now,
4. Check the system automatically check for errors and scan for and attempt recovery of bad deposited. check them, and then select Start.
5. After that wait until the process is complete.
6. And remove the memory card from cardreader and insert it in the mobile phone / camera / other devices, it is finished .. your data is safe and your memory card can be reused if still can not try the second.
This second Method
B. Ways continuation if the above fails and it will take a long time.
1. Use FileRecovery for MultiMediaCard or MMC Medic, if you do not already exist on your computer then download it first (File Recovery) and install it on your computer or (MMC Medic) or (CardRecovery) or can also use the application recovery and repair which you can find through a search engine google .
2. Select the drive where the memory card is located. (Look at My Computer where removable disks, memory cards there you are).
3. Then choose where you want to save the data recovery (data is saved).
4. Select the start, wait until the process is complete.
5. So your data has been saved. go to where you last saved the file.
6. Or you can recovery your data in a way that I wrote in the article tips droid "Restoring the Lost Data"
Repair how to use each application is different but logically I explained as above, for how to use relatively simple and I am sure you would be able to use it without any problems.
C. After that FORMAT your memory card on android phone.
D. If you can not format with the above, try to format the memory card with the help of programs installed on your PC.
1. Remove the memory card in the phone and enter in cardreader already plugged in the computer.
2. Select the drive in the Removable disk memory card and right click select format.
3. Then press Start. wait until the process is complete.
4. When finished, use the A. to download the SCAN / repairing your damaged MMC / Memory card corrupted.
Way above only improve if there is damage not due to a physical or bad sectors, but in the event of bad sectors and your memory card warranty still remember most of the current memory card life time warranty, then I suggest that you make a memory card warranty, of course warranty terms and conditions apply.
If your memory card is corrupted due to partition fails, try to partition the memory card but failed partition not everything can repair.
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